Saturday 5 March 2016


Osmosis is diffusion of water molecules across the plasma membrane from a region of its higher concentration to a region of its lower concentration. This can be proved by an experiment.

Consider a U shaped tube with side A filled with pure water and side B with same quantity of sucrose solution (sugar dissolved in water) separated by a membrane permeable to water and impermeable to sugar. Since membrane is 

permeable to water molecules, it can move from side "A" to "B" and from "B" to "A". At side "A" there are only water molecules whereas at side "B" the presence of sucrose molecules means concentration of water molecules is  less than at side "A". Thus in unit time more water molecules will diffuse from side "A" to "B" than from "B" to "A". In other words there is net movement of water molecules from "A" to "B". As a result, level of sugar solution will begin to rise and that of water will begin to 

U tube divided by a semipermeable membrane. The membrane at the base of the U tube is permeable to water, but not to sugar molecules (black balls). 
Left:       Side A contains only water; side B contains a sugar solution. Initially, the quantity of fluid in the two sides is the same.
Center:    A larger number of water molecules (colored balls) bump into the membrane per unit time on side A than on side B.
Right:      Because more water molecules move from A to B than from B to A, the level of fluid on side A falls white that on side B rises. 

Monday 8 February 2016

Responsibilities of good citizen.

Good Citizens are those who fulfil their responsibilities. They are loyal and patriotic to their country. They do their duties honestly and selflessly. They do not keep talking about their rights. Instead they busy doing their duties. Good citizen are a model of discipline, They show discipline in everything. It may be talking, walking, eating, sitting, standing, anything. We can not become good citizens without discipline in life. If we follow discipline in life, we can change our fate and our country's fate too.

Sunday 7 February 2016


The late King of Saudi Arabia was born in 1907, and was the second son, of king Abdul Aziz Ibne Sa'uz. He received religious education from his maternal grandfather Sheikh Abdullah bin Abdul Latif. After completing his education at an early age, Faisal started taking interest in the affairs of the started and helped his father in governing the country. He was made Governor of Hijaz, when he was only twenty. Latter on, he served as Saudi Foreign Minister  visiting several countries of the world where he held important discussions and gained a great deal of experience. He also, had the opportunity of holding the command of the Armed Forces of his country.

After the death of King Abdul Aziz, his eldest son Sa'ud become the King, Faisal was made the Crown Price and Prime Minister in 1958, Saudi Arabia was in serious difficulties at that time. Faisal used his wisdom and intelligence to overcome these difficulties at that time, 

Faisal used at that time his wisdom and intelligence to overcome these difficulties, In 1969, he resigned from the post of the prime Minister, but accepted it again in 1962. His elder brother King Sa'ud fell seriously ill in 1964, and Faisal was chosen as the King by the Council of ministers.

    King Faisal was devoted to Islam. He was a good Muslim and led a simple life. He did his best to see his people live according to the teachings of Islam. He possessed great qualities of leadership and proved to be an able ruler. He loved his people and  ruled the country wisely and justly under his rule, Saudi Arabia made great progress in many fields. He spend a lot of money on the development of his country. The main source of income for Saudi Arabia is mineral oil, and he made every effort to increase its production new factories and mills were set up in Saudi Arabia. and industry made great progressed. Vest areas of the desert were irrigate and new lands were brought under cultivation. 

The late King Fasial of Saudi Arabia was born in 1907, and was the


Nursing means taking care of and looking after the sick, the injured, the young old or the helpless, with love and sympathy. It is difficult to say at what point in history nursing was organised in a scientific way. Yet it is easy to understand that it must be as old as man's feeling for his suffering fellow men. For only sympathy and love could move one human being to feel sorry for someone in distress, to look after him in sickness and try to do someone for him and to restore him to health.

Islam regards nursing very important. Our Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) visited the sick regularly, comforted them and spoke kind words to them. He would go, even to inquire after his ailing enemies. He urgent the Muslims to help those who were sick or suffering. On the battlefield, all Muslim soldiers were always very kind to the sick, old and the injured. They never killed their wounded enemies. Muslim ladies were very active on the battlefield giving water to the soldiers and tending the wounded and the sick.  

Nursing was not at all popular in the beginning. Parents did not allow their daughter to become nurse. This can perhaps be best shown in the story of the girl, who in 1851,became the founder women in history. Her name was Florence Nightingale. Florence Nightingale was born in the town of Florence in Italy in 1820.