Sunday 31 January 2016




  • Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the founder of Pakistan, is our national hero. His name will be remembered with great honor in the history of mankind. He fought' sincerely and selflessly the battle of freedom for the Muslims and won in the long run.
  • Our Quaid-e-Azam, which means the great leader, was born in Karachi on the 25th of December, 1875. During his childhood he used to work excessively hard and showed his qualities as a talented child After completing his primary and secondary education in the Sindh Madrasa-tul-Islam, Karachi, he was sent to England for higher studies
  • Azam, as his nature was, could not lag behind in this sacred task and soon by his persistent devotion to duty, sincerity and enthusiasm came to the front row of the freedom fighters. In the beginning he joined the Indian National Congress and believed that Muslims and Hindus should join' hands to free their motherland from the British rulers. He also believed that Hindus and Muslims should live peacefully as members of one nation. But, later on, he changed his standpoint in view of the ,activities of the Hindus which were becoming increasingly detrimental to the cause of the' Muslims. The one-nation theory was also given up and he began to think that the Muslims are different from the Hindus in every respect and therefore he propounded the two-nation theory in India and supported vehemently the idea of a separate Independent Muslim State.
  • For this he joined the Muslim League--a political organization representing all the Muslims of India. In the year 1933 he was elected the President of all India Muslim League, That office he held till Pakistan came into being. It was under his president ship that the all India Muslim League passed the famous Pakistan Resolution in the historic annual session held in the Minto Park, Lahore in the year 1940. In this Resolution the Muslims resolved to get the British India divided and to have a separate Muslim state termed as Pakistan.
  • He succeeded in the long run and the whole world was surprised to see that Pakistan became a reality on the 14th August 1947 when our Quaid-e-Azam took over as her first Governor General and Khan Liaqat Ali Khan as her first Prime Minister. Quaid-e-Azam did not take rest afterwards. He worked hard than ever for the consolidation of Pakistan, our dear home-land. The British rulers left for good, leaving deceitfully a large number of problems for our country. Quaid-e-Azam continued his efforts to surmount the problems and difficulties. But his health failed, it was already fast deteriorating, and he breathed his last on the 11th September, 1948, just one year after independence. He was laid to rest in Karachi, the place where he was born and where he became the first Governor General of Pakistan.

Saturday 30 January 2016


The caliph Haroon - Rasheed was known and respected for his justice and wisdom.At night He would disguises  himself as a common man and go through.the streets of Baghdad. He would mingle with the common people in order to gain first-hand knowledge of their difficulties and problem.

One day, when he was holding court, two men men were brought before him. One of them was well-dressed and appeared to be a well-to-do, respectable citizen, while the other seemed to be a beggar, because he was in rags. these two men were holding between them a beautiful white horse. The Qazi approaches the Caliph and said to him: " O Leader of the Faithful! I've brought before you a dispute which I could not settle. It is a difficult case, but I am certain that with your knowledge and wisdom. you will pronounce a just decision.

        "What is the dispute?" asked the Caliph.

       "These two men here are fighting over this horse. Each one of them claims "

       " Step forward,"the Caliph ordered the well-dressed man, "and let's here what you've to say."

The man said to the Caliph:  "O Leader of the Faithful! I beg to believe me that whatever I say in your presence shall be the truth. This morning, when I was riding to the city, I saw this beggar limping along ahead of me, on hearing the sound of my horse's hoofs, he turned round and motioned to me to stop. I pulled the reins of my horse. He begged me to give him a ride up to the gate. He was lame, I felt sorry for him. So I pulled him up behind me on the horde. When we reached the city gate, I stopped and turned round to help him get down. He refused to dismount. I was puzzled, and gently told him to get down because we had reached the city gate. He said, "Why should I get down? I gave you a ride and now you want to rob me of my horse?"

        Then the beggar limped forward and said: "O Leader of the Faithful! You are the helper and guardian of the poor. You are a wise and just Caliph, Have pity on me and save me from the injustice of this rich man. I can swear that this horse belongs to me. You must be thinking, like everybody else in this court, how a beggar like me can afford to buy and keep such a fine horse. it is because of this horse that I am rags, Whatever money I had, I spend on this horde. This morning, as I was coming to the city on my horse, I noticed this man walking along the road, When I came close to him he stopped me and requested to lend him my horse, for he was in a great hurry to react the city. Of course, I could not lend my horse to a complete stranger. Could I? Instead, I let him ride my horse, while I sat behind him. As we reached the city gate? he asked me to get down and leave the horse to him. 'Such a fine horse should not belong to a beggar,' he said. 'Now, be off and don't you mention it to any one. And even if you do, nobody is going to believe you. now, I beg you to save me from robber and restore to me what is my own."